Youth Savings Account
Our Credit Union Youth Savings account is designed for ages 13 to 21. A $25.00 minimum balance is required to open an account. This program is intended to teach young people money management skills, particularly the need to save for future education needs and other large expenses as they grow to adults. Opening their $25 share account entitles youth to full membership privileges and qualifies the young person for many other CU services.
Also check out the links below for lots of tips on managing your money, saving for college or a new car and more. Sites include games, videos, calculators and more!
Financial Literacy Links for Teens
(A partial listing from the Utah State Department of Education Financial Literacy website)
Look for these fun games on this site. All require the free flash player.
Expense Station Game – Try your hand at some tough financial decisions in this role-playing game.
Why do I spend money the way I do? – Discover your money personality.
Savvy Shopping Quiz – Take a trip to the mall and see how shopping savvy you are.
Bricks and Bucks – Test your financial services smarts with this jeopardy style game for one or 2 players.
Consumer Jungle
Look for these fun games on this site. All require the free flash player.
The Great Vehicle Hunt
Negotiate the curves and a car may be yours.
Show Me The Money
When credit card companies loan you money there are lots of fees that come with the cash. This game shows you how to find them and what you can do about them.
The Credit Safari
It’s a jungle out there. Can you help Max survive this credit card safari?
Sense and Dollars
Look for these fun games on this site.
Find out the REAL cost of credit on your virtual shopping trip!
Check it Out!
Working and living on your own. What’s it like? In this game you can find out…starting with your first month’s wages AND your first month’s bills!
Plan Your Dream Prom
You decide which dress, which wheels, and more…AND how to pay for it!
Practical Money Skills for Life
Look for these fun games on this site. All require the free flash player.
Financial Football
Earn yardage and score touchdowns answering finance themed questions with this quiz-style game that pits team against team.
Road Trip to Savings
Don’t lose your wheels! Four weeks on the road presents lots of financial challenges. Make sound financial decisions about income, expenses and savings to negotiate the curves.
Free materials to download with free registration including calculators, games and lots of practical money guides.
Budget Odyssey
Drive a minibus to Budget Balancing Bliss. (Requires the free Shockwave player.)
Credit Calculator
This credit calculator can help you manage your money by showing you how long it could take to repay a credit card balance based on your monthly payment.
YoungMoney Magazine
A lifestyle and money magazine for students.
Please note: Links to external sources are made available for this section. The links to these sites will generate an external site not operated by Richland Federal Credit Union. These links are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. Richland Federal Credit Union has no responsibility for the content of these web sites and does not attest to the accuracy of any information located in any of them. The Credit Union assumes no responsibility or liability for any transaction entered into by the visitor to these websites and these external links.